

So it is official, Trev and I are going to Thailand in June! Since we didn't get to go on a honeymoon after we got married we are making up for it a year later, in fact we will be on the beautiful sandy beaches of Krabi on our anniversary, June 19th! I thought I would show y'all a few pictures and fill you in on our vacay plans. We had originally planned on going to Hawaii but after some serious deliberation we decided that we might as well explore Asia while we have the chance. I took it upon myself to research amazing places to visit and stay and WA-LA this is what I came up with!

Grand Palace

We are starting our trip in Bangkok. We fly from Okinawa to Tokyo and then on to Bangkok, where we will stay for 2 full days. I haven't nailed down our itinerary for this amazing city but I do know that we will be going to the Grand Palace and the floating market! If anyone has been to Bangkok and has suggestions please share!

Floating market, As I was looking for some fun fact to tell y'all about this market I read about 20 reviews that said it is a huge tourist trap. Whatever! 
After exploring Bangkok we are hopping on an Air Asia flight (the southwest airline of Asia!) and going to Ao Nang, Krabi. The only way I can describe it is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!

Ao Nang Beach
Krabi is very similar to Phuket, but just not as crowded or touristy. Yes, it is beautiful but it has much more to offer! On our to do list is island hopping, snorkeling, kayaking, hiking and fishing (Trevor's only request). They also offer elephant trekking through the jungle which I am slightly excited about but I am not sure if I can bring myself to support poor elephants having to carry lazy vacationers. I am an animal lover, what can I say?

Phi Phi Island
I'll be sure to get a two person kayak so when I get tired after 10 minutes Trev can still get us around!
Thailand is known for being a fairly inexpensive place to travel and I am going to have to agree! (I say that now, we will know for sure when we get back and look at our bank statement) Plane tickets were a little pricey, not terrible but about $700.00 per person round trip and our puddle-jumper tickets to Krabi were $300 total for the 2 of us round trip (not bad!) But our real savings were in the hotels!! We have yet to book a place for Bangkok but the resort in Krabi is booked and ready to go!

Vogue resort and spa
Deluxe ocean suite
This bad boy is costing us $89.00 a night! Disclaimer: We are going during the low season so most hotels have slashed their prices, good for us! Normally this room would be about double but if you are interested in visiting Thailand, go between May and October and you will find killer deals! (You might also find yourself stuck in torrential downpours but it is a risk I am willing to take)!
We will be in Krabi for 5 days then returning to Bangkok for another day of exploration and then back to Oki we go! I hope y'all enjoyed this little post, be expecting a big one about this adventure after June 24th! (Might I add, the day before my birthday)
Okay time for bed, good night everyone, I'll be back in the AM with more posts, promise!!

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