
Our humble abode

So I am going to make this quick because it is getting late here and I am tired but I am on a blogging role and I just can't stop until I finish this post. We have just about finished decorating our little place and I thought I would show y'all. Of course I will always be re-decorating and tweaking things here and there until the day we leave but here is what is looks like for now:

This is part of our small entry way, the door on your right goes into the first guest bedroom and the hall on your left is for the guest bathroom and shower.

Guest bedroom, its not the greatest but it works for now. The gosh awful wallpaper really restricts you along with the fact that there is no where on this island that has cute home stuff, I mean no where! I'm just trying to work with what I've got and its not much!

The lovely pink guest bathroom. I don't think the Japanese know what neutral means.

This is the hot water thingy that you have to turn on before showering, doing dishes or laundry. I don't really know why they have these so unfortunately I can't tell you anymore about them. 

Eating area and kitchen. Behind that stylish accordion door is our laundry room.

Our kitchen. We have American appliances and it is glorious!!

Cute little living room with my orchid that I have managed to keep alive for almost 4 weeks now, I am very impressed with myself.

The TV stand as well as the couch were purchased here in Oki. The picture doesn't do the tv stand justice but it is a beautiful piece from Indonesia. The couch is not quite as exotic, we bought it on base at the Foster furniture store.

Sunny master bedroom. Again, the wall paper has really thrown a wrench into my plans.

I love love love our Armouir. Thank you Mom for letting me take this!

If you have a pink guest bathroom it is only natural that the master be blue, duh!

The wonderful walk-in closet. As you can see I have taken over just a bit but Trevor doesn't have too many clothes so it works out.

I get the closet and Trevor gets the 2nd guest bedroom as an office, I think that is a pretty fair trade off. This room is not quite complete, we still need some curtains and a rug and desperately need to hang pictures (only problem is that all the walls are covered in paper and I am a little nervous to put a bunch of holes through it).

Another view.

Our new patio furniture! Finding a decent set was quite the feat so finally having some is wonderful!

We also picked up a little barbecue this weekend and now our patio is complete!

I feel so blessed to have found this apartment, I am glad we tried Japanese style living so we can say we did, but moving into this place was the best decision we could have ever made. It is a total American style house and those are a bit hard to come by so we are definitely staying put!

1 comment:

  1. If you get cheap white tootpaste, you can use it like caulk to cover small holes...

    Love the blog!

