
Weekend Recaps

So this weekend was absolutely beautiful and fun! On Saturday morning we woke up early and went to my cycle class, ran some errands and then went to the beach for a bit before we both had to get ready for our evening shindigs.

Araha Beach

 Little sea snails in a caravan, there were at least 20 of them, I thought it was cute. 

People watching, and we saw some good stuff!

This was truly a rare sighting, most Japanese people don't even wear short-sleeved shirts so to spot this guy was a real treat! He had a very stylish animal print speedo and of course a reflective sunbathing mat, he was a professional sunbather!

Interesting backpack, very original!

Later that evening I went over to Erika's house for a girls bunco night and all the boys headed to our house for male bonding time. After I lost 13 out of 20 rounds (how is that possible?) we all headed back to our place to meet up with the boys and go out. I wish I had more pictures of the night (i'll try to add some later). For some reason this is all I ended up with: 

Erika (the host, blonde on the bottom right) did an amazing job decorating and setting up and she gave me the best loser's prize: a purse hanger, I am in love!

Try not to look too excited guys.

Sunday around 5 am we were woken up by a thousand phone calls from Trev's work so lucky him he got to go in and I got to go with him (actually I chose to go because I am such a sweet wife). I slept in the car until everything was ironed out and then Trev took me out to breakfast! We went to the one and only Okinawa House of Pancakes!

I was a little nervous about this place, as I am about all restaurants I try for the first time in Oki but this place was GOOD! You never know how the Japanese are going to interpret American dishes but OHOP was spot on.

I forgot to take the picture before I started eating, Oh well. I had blueberry french toast, super healthy!

Trevor got an omelet that was really good but what made it even better was that they had Texas Pete hot sauce!

Next weekend we are hopefully going zip lining so I should have lots of good pics!!

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